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Pastor Shirley Caesar was right when she spoke about Whitney Houston. She said there is a young girl that is motherless. That would be Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbie Christina. Pastor Shirley also said to keep in mind that there was a mother who was sick and no daughter. She was absolutely right.
Bobbie Christina _YouTube |
I would also like to add that I watched my mother die from Chemotherapy. It made her feel like an animal. When my mother died and left me, I was also hospitalized for depression, but it didn't happen right away.We all suffer things in our lives sometimes different and sometimes in a similar way. Whether we suffer differently or not, we still are all in the same boat. In the end, we all have to face God and answer to him about our lives. What Whitney Houston has done has not made her less than anyone else. Whitney has said that she made the choice, but God knows better than she why she chose to do drugs. We may see it as her fault, but God see's it all. He see things that we do not see. He can see the whole history of our lives from the time we were born. God does not judge us just by looking at one mistake. He looks at everything before he makes a final decision. We will see and know every secret thing judgement day. In the meantime, forgive Whitney for her mistakes because we are all going to die with faults or mistakes. The good thing about it is God does not have to judge our lives by Facebook or television. God knows already and before the day that we were born. He's the best judge of our enemies, friends, doctors, and everything else in our lives. He knows when we are not in our right minds, and he knows the reasons why we do what we do. God knows all of our trials, tribulations, and temptations. He knows there is a lot upon people and how hard life is. God knows about the demons and how tough it can be. We all fight demons. God knows when we try to do what is right and what is exactly in our hearts.
(Matt. 7:1) Judge not, that ye be not judged.